Arborfield Green Development
This page is the home page for all of the information for the development at Arborfield Green
A new web site has been developed for the Arborfield Green Community,
Despite being known as Arborfield Green much of the land to be developed is within the Parishes of Barkham and Finchampstead and will have a profound affect on both communities
Community Forums ‘ have been taking place to look at all aspects of the plans in detail and to gather feedback. These take place at Henry Street Garden Centre and are open to anyone who is interested.
Construction at the site is now progressing and the new secondary school is complete and open to students You can see a speedy view of the construction on this site.
Members of the Parish Council were given a tour of the buildings that will remain on the site which we had previously not been able to access.
The sports hall will be magnificent, there is a large climbing wall that the MOD have left behind, plus badminton courts and many other sports courts.
Other rooms will be refurbished for dance studios and gym equipment.
The aim is for the school to have access to the sports facilities during the day and for the public to have access in the evenings. Residents will find this to be a wonderful facility and a swimming pool will be built at a later date.