
Barkham Solar Farms Revised Plans

Wokingham Borough Council have received some additional and revised plans for the proposed Solar Farm in Barkham following comments received.  The new plans can be viewed via the following link:

Comments have to be received by 18 August.

The note from WBC follows:

Revised Plans Consultation
Application Number:
Site Address: Barkham Farms, Barkham, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG40 4EX Proposal: Full application for EIA development for the proposed installation of a new 52ha solar farm for a temporary period of 25 years including underground grid connection between site and Electricity Distribution Centre, laying of internal access road, the erection of substation building security fencing and associated landscaping with approximately 3.4ha of tree planting for carbon sequestration.

We have received revised/additional plans for the above application. The revised details show: Reduction in the panels, increased buffer and altered landscaping adjacent to the heritage assets to the north, removal of panels from the south western corner to allow for cattle grazing, reduction in tree planting along the south and rerouting of the proposed greenway via the overhead powerlines.

If you wish to make any comments on the revised plans you should do so by 18/08/2021. Comments made via the website will be available to view within 24 hours and will include the submitted name and address. Any new comments will be considered with previous comments made when determining the application. If an application is to be determined by the Planning Committee you will be notified. Once a decision has been made you will also be notified of this.